I don't feel like a human in school.
Its a cell. It keeps you from doing what you want, for too long.
It denies you of the basic right to choose to stay or leave.
I know, because this is school and it is Authority.
but why 4 hours of nothing?
I cannot stand seeing time slipping out of my hand like that,
watching the second hand ticks and the minute hand awaits.
The clock was never created to be watched at,
it isn't a toy for boring people to stare at while counting time passed.
It is suppose to tell you how much time you have left. (not exactly the time as in how many O clock)
The value of time is being how much you have left.
But by sitting still and fixing my eyes on it, the value is simply diluted.
and, it just sucks to do nothing knowing that you are going to get results next week?
JC life is stressful i know. but nobody ever warned me it's painful.
PW is totally, it should be scraped off from future syllabus.
It does more harm and damage than creating anything constructive.
Like, imprisoning my free soul.
He tried to pretend he did not feel the weight of her grief, lying between them like a fitful child, so solid that he could not reach past it to touch her.
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