Do you ever feel like our lives changed paths almost daily. Like a single decision could change what's gonna happen next, and the next, and the next moment and everything is just never the same?
A single move or thought can change history.
And what you decide to do, or not to do, is going to make an impact not just in your lives but in the people whom you might have been able to bless/ not hurt.
No one's as small, or insignificant and invisible.
Your presence may not speaks loud, but what you do or not do can actually change the course of someone else's lives?
Is this the reason why life is always so complicated and that God has intended to create man not to be alone but to face these issues?
I wish i could turn the time around, take away the time i've wasted drowning myself in aimless thoughts and matters and reuse them.
But life, or time ain't like an aluminium can. You can't just 3R it. Recycle, reuse, reduce - not.
i am starting to give tuition to earn some $$. And the first kid today, SHE'S A REPLICA OF DORA. FYI, dora's my fav. But she, Rachel, isn't. SOOOO TALKATIVE and playful. OMG she even ask me
"teacher teacher you got boyfriend?"
"Ya, US's president." (i'm trying to be funny to a 10 year old so pardon the lousy joke)
"eeek Obama so old." (i think he is quite hot. ok like way better than Mccain?!!?)
"Teacher teacher! you want my brother? He is 17, very tall and tann cos he always play basketball.."
sounds good? haha.
Here's to end the day,
it took me years to realise, days to deny
i see no tag board. well. haha!
indeed! take years to reliase, days to deny. AWESOME!
LOL lim you rock man. i took the tagbaord away and now u are here to tag. ><
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