Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Tomorrow's the day. Less than, 9 hours?

Many people can't sleep. Cos they doubt the hard work they have put in themselves. or simply just doubted their own abilities.

this is the time when you begin to regret, you could have do more then instead of sleeping, or watch television.

this is the time when you hoped there would be someone helping you out and making sure things will turn out good.

All things work out good for those who love Him.

And i seriously thank God, for not just being with me through such dark times of anxiety, but every single day, Daddy's there to share my joy and laugh with me, or when i cry and sream into my pillow He is there to watch me, pat me on the head and reassure me that He is there and He wouldn't let any bad things happen.
Everyone needs someone like God, and since He's irreplaceable, can anyone else be Him?


today we had a fair fun day watching Mama Mia (second time for me).
I love them, Aisyah, Colleen, Gayle and Pris.
Through thick& thin girls.


i had a nice chat with Joseph. i miss this ah pek. Haha.

and of course, Perth and its beautiful people and weather.

those perfect days

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