first Jurong west, then Jurong east, then Bukit Panjang.
I had to walk rounds to find their blocks.
And my first experience, which is also the best, will no longer be mine. Rachel (dora look alike) is too stressful and tuition will just add burden to her.
I will miss her terribly, though i've only met her twice, but she never fails to make me smile with her stupid questions and actions and astounding laughter.
& Thank you Rachel Teo for the drawing.

This is me, illustration of Rachel. She asked me the things i like and she drew them down as presents for me! (books, pretty clothes, and movie ticket shown above )
That is me i guess. and a ring, and in pink are words : I (heart) Edgar Teo/Zhang, from: Siying.
-.- Edgar's the elder brother she tries to matchmake. he's quite cute! Rachel told me he purposely stayed home to see her teacher. And, i think i might have just disappointed him. But anyway he's a big beng.
I'm starting to feel that i live in this cocoon, like i'm a sheltered puppy who doesn't know the world out there. I appear to know alot (or not), because i've seen alot, but through a glass panel which i can't reach to touch and feel the pain and sorrow, the anger and hatred, the feelings of remorse and isolation.
As i look deeper into the lives of the people around me, the less fortunate (ironically who appears to be happy), they suffered more emotional roller coasters than i did.
Than i the poor caterpillar hidden in the cocoon.
If they say pain and sorrow makes you mature, i don't think i am ready to go through what they've gone through.
My family, my friends, my life.
I'd do whatever it takes to preserve these that i have.
Learn this now and learn it well: Like a compass needle that points North, a man's accusing finger always finds a woman. Always.
- A thousand Splendid Suns
"Rachel told me he purposely stayed home to see her teacher. And, i think i might have just disappointed him."
HAHA THIS IS FUNNY. you sure you tuition-ing not! like all your students drawing for you lah wth
HAHAHA, she's special ok. every math question she will pester me to let her draw, sad i can't see her (& her bro) anymore ):
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