Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The highway & the loop

There is not much difference between the mentality you had when you were young and now.

Our physique changes, but those are the lies that we tell the best to the rest of the world.

Looks are deceiving they say, they are the lies themselves. And who you packages yourself to be isn't neccessarily who you are. But nobody likes to be naked to people they do not know.

They say when you grow older, you become mature. So a 40 year old by right is more mature than a 14 year old.

But adults still do childish things. Our behaviour may differ much, but the effect or the result we hope to see from it is the same.

a 4 year old would break a cookie jar for their parents' attention.
a 14 year old would steal and kill for attention.
a 40 year old wouldn't do anything but resign to the "fate".

The behaviour differs yes, but deep in our hearts what we want the most, is actually what that will drive human to behave even the absolute extreme way.

"What is the one thing you want most in your life now?"

Truth? Revenge?
(inspired by one tree hill!)
no matter what is it you want most, you know you can't have it with your own ways. You've tried it but it always didn't work the way you want it too.
This is when you know you have to bow down and surrender yourself to the higher Power, the omnipotent One who sees it all.
The struggles you went through to get what you want
the disappointments in yourself and in other people
the pain you feel where nobody could see
He sees it all. And He is longing to heal it all.

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